Working with ADP – Short Term and Long Term Options

How can your organization continue to push through and stay relevant, in today’s dynamic business environment?

More  often than not, talent is a key differentiator. By investing in the growth and development of your talent pool, you can drive innovation, enhance productivity, and position your organization for long-term success.

Talent development refers to the strategic process of nurturing and enhancing the skills, knowledge and capabilities of individuals within an organization. It encompasses a wide range of initiatives and programs aimed at attracting, retaining, and maximizing the potential of talented employees. 

As an HR firm with over two decades of experience in the field, our three phased approach to addressing talent development has proven to be effective:

  1. We listen and learn to understand  the state of things in your organization.
  2. We assess and prescribe solutions for areas that need improvement.
  3. We review and set an implementation plan to ensure that the new changes are in place.

It is a bit like going to the Doctors to understand what your issue is before you start the treatment.

If you think your leg is broken you would have an X-ray before applying a plaster cast to make sure you are fixing the right problem. Diagnosis is so important to ensure we really are addressing the correct need.

At ADP, we offer talent development services solutions that focus on capacity building to provide short-term solutions to service an existing need or to provide thought partnership services through a retainer model. Each of these pathways provides tailor-made solutions to cater for your company’s specific needs, and for that reason, our methods entail learning about the company’s culture and HR practices before suggesting improvements. 

Short-term Workshops

These are usually to service a specific need, therefore the time frame is much shorter. Short-term workshops address urgent needs or enhance team dynamics. In such workshops we offer targeted training and development modules to employees. Whether it’s improving teamwork, enhancing technical skills, or developing leadership capabilities.

Some of the advantages of Short-term talent development workshops are:


These workshops offer flexibility in terms of duration and content. They can be tailored to address specific needs or challenges within a team or project.

Focused Learning

Since they are short-term, workshops by project tend to focus on specific skills or objectives. This allows for a dive deep into a particular topic without overwhelming the delegates with too much information.

Immediate Impact

Delegates can often see immediate results or improvements in their work or team dynamics after attending a short-term talent development workshop, making it ideal for addressing urgent issues or boosting team morale. It is an instant hit of adrenaline that is impactful quickly.


Short-term talent development workshops can be more cost-effective for organizations, especially if you only need to address a particular issue or skill gap.

Long-term Retainer Programs

Long-term retainer programs provide a comprehensive approach to talent development over an extended period. At ADP, these include: New Leader Development Programme, Leadership Coaching, Performance Management and Career Transition. By engaging in ongoing sessions spanning months, participants benefit from continuous learning and development opportunities. Management

Here are some benefits of long-term retainer programs:

Continuous Development

With workshops that provide flexibility, and are agile enough to be fitted around your business needs, delegates have the opportunity for continuous learning and development. This can lead to more profound changes in behavior and skills as they have more time to absorb and apply what they’ve learned.

Customization and Adaptation

Since our facilitator is engaged long-term, the content and design material can be amended to reflect your organization’s needs as the programme develops. This flexibility allows for a more customized and targeted development program.

Cultural Integration

Workshops by retainer can focus not only on skill development but also on integrating desired values and behaviors into the organizational culture. This long-term approach helps embed these changes more deeply within the organization.

Through ongoing sessions, participants are immersed in the organization’s culture, fostering a deeper understanding and commitment to its mission and core principles. Our facilitators work closely with key stakeholders to identify areas where the current organizational culture may not fully align with the desired values and behaviors. We then develop tailored strategies to bridge these gaps effectively. Thus, creating a cohesive and engaged workforce that embodies your organization’s values in daily interactions and decision-making processes.

Ultimately, the choice between these approaches depends on your organizational needs, goals, and resources. Work with us, and we will not only help you figure out which approach is best for you. We will also make sure your talent is brought up to speed, ensuring your company has a competitive advantage within your industry.

Contact us today for your talent development and maximization needs in Tanzania.

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